Multiple Sclerosis Treatment

While medicine does not have answers for the cause of Multiple Sclerosis or a cure, many people with MS are searching out natural ways to heal themselves.  Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic care and other techniques within upper cervical are having oftentimes dramatic results with Multiple Sclerosis cases. Dr. Erin Elster who use to practice in Colorado has published an extensive case series on Multiple Sclerosis and how traumatic head injuries prior to onset may be a causative factor in many of these cases.

Another researcher and upper cervical doctor named Scott Rosa has found that MS patients have restricted CSF(cerebrospinal fluid) flow which, following atlas corrections, can return to normal levels. Not only are they seeing changes in CSF flow in these cases, but, they are also seeing dramatic improvements in patients who suffer with MS.  You can read more about this here.

Not only are Multiple Sclerosis patients receiving relief and healing from upper cervical doctors, but, a little known procedure we have learned about while dealing with many MS cases is the Klenner Protocol. Dr. Klenner was a well known medical doctor in the 50’s and 60 ‘s who was bucking the allopathic trend at that time. Klenner was a big proponent of vitamin therapy and intramuscular injections. In our offices we have seen patients with Multiple Sclerosis prior to the start of upper cervical care that have had significant gains in the MS symptoms by following Klenner’s protocol. To read more about Klenner read here.


As always we hope that this article brings hope and useful information that is not otherwise available to those that suffer and have only searched within the allopathic model. The internet is leveling the playing field about how people are informed about their health. The days of ‘here take this pill and shut up’ are not cutting it. Many are turning to the internet for information that may be helpful in their healing. Our blogs have one purpose and that is to disseminate information to the seeker.

In healing we say:

~Nature needs no help, just no interference!~

Author: admin