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Fibromyalgia pain – Are there any alternatives?

Most patients with the acute pains of fibromyalgia consult physicians for assistance. Though a lot of patients utilize chiropractors and other alternative approaches, many continue to use analgesics (pain medications) to get daily relief. There is an alternative called Blair upper Cervical Care that has been found to be successful in helping fibromyalgia sufferers manage their condition naturally.

Children and Chiropractic

There is a general notion in the public that child don’t belong under the care of chiropractor.  Our Los Angeles offices have been taking care of kids for 16 years with great success. Most health problems that start later in life are the result of a childhood injury that is never corrected. The head neck junction is vulnerable to injury. Child birth which sometimes includes vacuum extraction or forceps can cause neck injury during the birth process.

Upper cervical chiropractic technique

People seeking relief from pain, their condition or seeking to live a life of wellness often consider natural, alternative methods of treatment. Chiropractic care is one of those methods. When prospective patients are looking for chiropractic care and start researching options online, they often find “upper cervical care” specialization and are confused at what that means.

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