Autism Disorders and Natural Healing IN Los Angeles

The general public is aware of the massive onslaught of children affected with autism disorders.  As of 2016 the prevalence of the disorder was found in 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls.  Autism spectrum disorders have become an epidemic and the controversy surrounding its cause is growing.  In this article we are not going to the debate of what its causes are, rather we would like to offer information that has been shown to help these children heal.

What Can You Do To Help Heal Autism Spectrum Disorder?

In the following blog we will discuss the following topics in aiding autism spectrum disorder recovery:

  1. The Gut Brian Axis
  2. Upper Cervical Care
  3. Heavy metal Detoxification

Gut Brain Axis

A burgeoning field of research with  Autism  is the relationship of the intestinal gut and its barrier to the bloodstream.  Part in parcel to the barrier is the balance of micro flora(intestinal bacteria) in the gut.   Research is showing that children with Autism Spectrum Disorder(ASD) have an imbalance in gut bacteria. Toxins produced in the gut by this imbalance may be partly responsible for affecting brain activity. (1)  Most gut bacteria is beneficial. They aid in digestion, vitamin metabolites and it has been found that up to 80 percent of serotonin in the body is manufactured in the gut!  However when there is a disruption in the guts normal balance bad bacteria that are usually kept in check increase in numbers. These bad bacteria can produce chemicals that are damaging to the human body. (2)

To understand in greater detail what how the gut brain axis can be a contributing cause of Autism Spectrum disorders there is a great video published by Autism Speaks Group.  Now that you know that the gut is a contributing cause of autism what can you do about it?

Natasha McBride M.D., whose own child was affected by ASD, has a great protocol that has been helping these kids.  The protocol is quite rigorous and comprehensive. It not only addresses the re-inoculation of  normal gut flora into the GI tract but it gives a diet and nutritional protocol to follow that helps heal the damaged gut lining. To read up on theGAPS protocol click this link.

Upper Cervical Care- A NEW APPROACH

Upper Cervical Care is a health care protocol that is concerned with maximizing central nervous system function. Since ALL body functions are directly controlled by the nervous system, it makes sense to make sure it is not interfered with. Upper Cervical Doctors are specially trained to correct spinal misalignments that happen at the most critical junction of the head neck area. The birth process is an inherently difficult process and can be the first time a child sustains a misalignment in the upper neck region.

The upper cervical spine, which houses the brain stem,  is responsible for controlling most of the bodies function that you do not think about. Heart function, blood pressure control, sleep , respiration, digestion and others are controlled in the brain-stem.  If there is a structural misalignment at the top of the neck it can cause neurological interference and affect any part of the body. Upper cervical doctors are not treating diseases or symptoms rather they are allowing the body to function better which unleashes the bodies own natural healing.

Upper Cervical Care has been helping children recover from autism.(3) Research conducted by Dr. Dickholts on ASD patients found a reduction in many of the symptoms associated with ASD.  ATEC(Autism treatment evaluation checklist)was used to determine the improvements in the kids that underwent upper cervical care.  ATEC is a one-page form designed to be completed by parents, teachers, or caretakers. It consists of 4 subtests: I. Speech/Language Communication (14 items); II. Sociability (20 items); III. Sensory/ Cognitive Awareness (18 items); and IV. Health/Physical/Behavior (25 items).  After a period of care the ATEC score reduced from 45.1 to 29.9 .

To schedule a FREE consultation in our office you can do so by calling 310 324-6172 for our Carson office or 213 399-7772 for Los Angeles. Or you can schedule online by clicking this link.

Heavy Metals Detoxification

Heavy metal toxicity has also been shown to be a contributing factor in ASD kids along with sensory processing disorders.  Research shows that some children lack the ability to detoxifymercury and other metals as efficiently as their peers. As a consequence neuro-toxicity  can be a contributing cause of the neuro-deficits that ASD kids experience. A great article which reviews this theory and practice was written inNeuroendocrinology Letters Vol.26 No.5, October 2005.(5) . 

There are several procedures that are used to chelate heavy metals out of the body. Their  goals are to remove heavy metals from the body at a rate that does not induce more problems. Ethyl mercury is one of the most potent neurotoxins to the human body and should be removed especially with kids that suffer with ASD.

We hope that this blog has landed in the hands of families that have been affected with ASD. Many people struggle in the mainstream medicine cabinet and it is only after hitting a dead-end that they investigate “alternatives” to conventional medicine.  We wish you health and healing.


  5. s Vol.26 No.5, October 2005
Author: admin