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  • BlairUCCS


Los Angeles Natural Low Back Pain Relief

Los Angeles Low Back Pain. There is an old saying "where you feel your pain is not always where it is caused".  Do you remember...

Natural Fibromyalgia Management

Do your fibromyalgia flare-ups prevent you from fully enjoying your day? Sometimes fibromyalgia can be aggravated by simple events that can occur on a daily...

Vestibular Disorders Treatment

As we  have blogged about in the past, vestibular disorders are a huge problem. “From 2001 through 2004, 35.4% of US adults aged 40 years...

How We are Preventing Bacterial Infection

I am finding, in our offices and in daily conversation, more and more that people don't have a firm grasp on what illness and disease...

Natural Care for Multiple Sclerosis

While medicine does not have answers for the cause of Multiple Sclerosis or a cure, many people with MS are searching out natural ways to...

Blair Upper Cervical Care and Post-Concussion Syndrome

Is there more to it than just the concussion? When I think of post-concussion syndrome the first thing that flashes through my mind are sports...

Does Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Help Lupus?

We are often asked by patients,  ‘I have a friend who has x y z disease can you help?’ The answer to this question, including the...

Upper Cervical Care Improves Vertigo

Upper Cervical Care is SIMPLE. Yet its effects can be profound. If the Atlas is out of its proper position it sets up a cascade...

Can UCC Change Abnormal Spine Curves?

Loss of Cervical Lordosis – Corrected after Upper Cervical Care Los Angeles visit. ​The goal of Upper Cervical Care is to restore normal function to...