Sciatica Relief

If a person feels a pain that begins in the lower back and travels through the hips and buttocks and then down one leg he or she probably has sciatica. Many that suffer from sciatica choose to just deal with the pain. Learn more about sciatica here:

The sciatic nerve radiates from the lumbar spine down through the legs. There are two nerves, one for each leg. That explains why pain is felt in only one leg. It just depends on which nerve is being irritated or becomes inflamed. This can happen due to many conditions of the spine. The sciatic nerve controls the muscles in your back, knees, and lower legs. When sciatica flares up, it is important to deal with it as soon as possible. If not, it can lead to problems later on, such as numbness, muscle atrophy, tingling, and foot drop. Sciatica is often caused by piriformis syndrome or bulging disc, learn more about that here:

Home Remedies

If a person is not able to get in immediately to see their chiropractor, there are some things they can do at home to help ease the pain until their appointment.

  • Do not lift or twist the body.
  • Stay off your feet as strenuous activities can aggravate the condition.
  • Apply ice in 20-minute increments several times a day.
  • Do exercises that strengthen your abs and improve the flexibility of the spine.

What Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Do to Help

Blair Upper cervical chiropractors realize that if something is wrong in the spine, it can cause other major problems throughout the body. We will begin by examining the upper neck area, specifically the top two bones of the vertebrae. A misalignment here of only ¼ of a millimeter can lead to problems such as sciatica.

Even though the pain is felt in the lower back, it often starts up much higher. The weight of the head can shift due to injury or a fall, and the spine will try to compensate for that. This leads to discs becoming irritated and coming out of place. A very common reason for sciatica. By realigning the vertebrae in the neck, many people have found relief of their sciatic pain.

Another condition called Piriformis Syndrome can lead to sciatica. A small muscle called the pirirformis connects to a bone in your pelvis called the sacrum and then also attaches to the femur(trochanter).  When this muscle becomes tight it compresses the sciatic nerve and can reproduce the pain one experience that is termed sciatica.  The interesting thing , neurologically speaking,  is that the piriformis  muscle tone is actually controlled in the upper cervical spine.  We have found by correcting the upper neck misalignment many cases of sciatica improve.

Man patients find relief from sciatica after getting under Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care. Listen to these testimonials of sciatica sufferers finding relief with Blair:

If you are experiencing Sciatica or Piriformis Syndrome, contact a Blair Chiropractor near you today to schedule a consultation!

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